Our Stores
Liska Fashion Stores
To celebrate our latest promotions, we’re offering an exclusive 10% discount.
Exclusive Offer
10% OFF
Use Code: ILOVELISKA2024
Not valid on sale items.
Redeemable until the end of August.
This special offer is available only to those who find us online. Simply present this coupon in-store to enjoy your discount.
Terms and Conditions:
• Not valid on sale items.
• Redeemable until the end of August.
Salzburg Store
Alter Markt 5
5020 Salzburg
Email: salzburg@liskafashion.com
Tel: +43 662 276519
WhatsApp: +43 677 62 47 76 84
Opening Hours:
MO - SA 10.00 - 18.00

Graben Store (Multibrand)
Graben 12
1010 Vienna
Tel: +43 1 5124120
Opening Hours:
MO - FR 10.00 - 18.00

Hoher Markt Store (Fur)
Hoher Markt 8
1010 Vienna
Email: office@liskafashion.com
Tel: +43 1 533 22 11
WhatsApp: +43 677 62 48 25 62
Opening Hours:
MO - FR 10.00 - 18.00